HTML stands for _______
Explanation: HTML is an acronym that stands for HyperText Markup Language, which is used for creating web pages and web applications.
The correct sequence of HTML tags for starting a webpage is -
Explanation: The correct sequence of HTML tags to start a webpage is html, head, title, and body.
Which of the following element is responsible for making the text bold in HTML?
Explanation: The (bold tag) tag in HTML is used to display the written text in bold format.
Which of the following tag is used to insert a line-break in HTML?
Explanation: The
tag in the HTML document is used to create a line break in a text.
Which character is used to represent the closing of a tag in HTML?
Explanation: The forward-slash (/) character is used to indicate the closing of a tag in HTML.
How to insert an image in HTML?
Explanation: The img tag and the src attribute is used to display an image on the webpage.
Which of the following tag is used to make the underlined text?
Explanation: The <u> (underline tag) tag in HTML is used to display the underlined text.
HTML tags are enclosed in-
Explanation: All HTML tags must be enclosed within angular < > brackets.
Which of the following tag is used to add rows in the table?
Explanation: The <tr> tag in HTML is used to define the rows in the table.
tag in HTML is used for -
Explanation: The <hr> tag is used to specify a paragraph-level thematic break in HTML document.
How to insert a background image in HTML?
Explanation: To apply a background image on entire document, we have to specify the background attribute in the <body> of the HTML document.
An HTML program is saved by using the ____ extension.
Explanation: The .html is used to save the HTML program.
A program in HTML can be rendered and read by -
Explanation: HTML programs can be read and rendered by the web browser. A web browser can support several web pages.
Who is the father of HTML?
Explanation: Timothy John Berners-Lee (TimBL) is known as the father of HTML.
In which part of the HTML metadata is contained?
Explanation: Metadata is information about data. The meta tag provides metadata/meta information about the HTML document
Which of the following is not a HTML5 tag?
Explanation: There is no such thing as slider tag in HTML5.
URL stands for _______.
Explanation: URL is the second name of a web address.
Which element is used for or styling HTML5 layout?
Explanation: For styling HTML5, CSS i.e Cascading Style Sheet is used.
Which tag is used to create a numbered list in HTML?
Explanation: <ol> tag is used to create the numbered list or ordered list items in an HTML document.
For writing chemical formula of water which HTML tag will be used?
Explanation: The <sub> element is used to contain characters that should be subscript.
Which works similar to element?
Explanation: he words are written inside <strong> can be said with strong emphasis. Browser shows contents written inside <strong> element in bold.
In which year html was invented?
Explanation: the first version of HTML was written bt Tim Berners Lee in 1993
404 HTTP error is generated due to ___
Explanation: it indicates that the client was able to communicate with the server but the server couldnot find the request
Which of the following attribute is used to provide a unique name to an element
Explanation: the id attribute is used to specify a unique id for an element of the HTML document
Which of the fllowing HTML tag is used to display the text with scrolling effect
Explanation: the <marquee> tag is used to scroll a text or image in horizontally or vertically