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Syllabus - Core JAVA Technology

Introduction to Java and OOPS
3 hours

History and Feature of JAVA, How Java differ from another programming

Example of Programming
JAVA Architecture
3 hours


Example of Programming
Java Tokens
3 hours

Comments, Identifiers, Keywords, Separators

Example of Programming
Working with Java Editor
3 hours

Notepad, Notepad++, NetBeans IDE

Example of Programming
Java Datatypes
3 hours

Datatypes, Literals, Variables, Type Conversion, Casting & Promotion, Naming Convention

Example of Programming
Control Statements
3 hours

If, If-else, else if, nested if, For Loop and nested loop, While Loop, Switch, Do While Loop, Break and Continue, Comments

Example of Programming
Java Array
3 hours

Single and Multi-Dimensional Array, Passing Array to a Method, Returning Array from a Method, Anonymous Array

Example of Programming
Java String Handling
3 hours

What is String?, Immutable/Mutable, String Comparison, String Concatenation, Substring, Methods of String class, charAt(), compareTo(), concat(), contains(), endsWith(), equals(), equalsIgnoreCase()

Example of Programming
OOPs Concept
3 hours

Advantage of OOPs, Object and Class, Method Overloading, Constructor, this keyword, static variable, method and block, Inheritance (IS-A), Aggregation (HAS-A), Method Overriding, Covariant Return Type

Example of Programming
Nested/Inner Class
3 hours

What is Nested/Inner Class?, Member Inner class, Anonymous Inner class, Local Inner class,static nested class, Nested Interface

Example of Programming
Exception Handling
3 hours

Need of Exception Handling, try and catch block, Multiple catch block, Nested try, finally block, throw keyword, throws keyword, throw vs throws, Creating our own Exception

Example of Programming
Java Applet
3 hours

Applet Basics, Advantage and Drawback, Hierarchy of Applet, Applet Lifecycle, Create and Run Applet, Graphics, Image Handling, Animation, EventHandling, JApplet class, Painting in Applet

Example of Programming
Java AWT & Events
3 hours

AWT Basics and Event Handling, AWT Button, AWT Label, AWT TextField, AWT TextArea, AWT Checkbox, AWT CheckboxGroup, AWT Choice, AWT List, AWT Canvas, AWT Scrollbar, AWT MenuItem & Menu, AWT PopupMenu,

Example of Programming
3 hours

Basics of Swing, JButton class, JRadioButton class, JTextArea class, JComboBox class, JTable class, JColorChooser class, ProgressBar class, JSlider class, Digital Watch,Graphics in swing, Displaying I

Example of Programming
Input and output Stream
3 hours

FileOutputStream, FileInputStream, Read Input from keyboard using InputStreamReader, Read Input from keyboard using Scanner

Example of Programming
3 hours

JDBC Introduction, About JDBC Drivers, Steps to connect to the database, Connectivity with Oracle, Connectivity with MySQL, Connectivity with Access without DSN, DriverManager, Connection, Statement

Example of Programming
Multithreading in Java
3 hours

What is Multithreading and Multiprocessing?, Life Cycle of a Thread, Two way of Creating a Thread, Thread Scheduler, Sleeping a thread, Joining a thread, Naming a thread, What will happen, when we sta

Example of Programming
3 hours

Collection Framework, ArrayList class, LinkedList class, Vector, ArrayList vs Vector, Stack

Example of Programming
Java Regex
3 hours

Java Regex (String Pattern)

Example of Programming
Java Date Time Methods
3 hours

Manipulation with Java Date and Time

Example of Programming
3 hours

synchronized method, synchronized block, static synchronization

Example of Programming
3 hours

Serialization & Deserialization

Example of Programming
Java in Networking
3 hours

Access IP Address

Example of Programming
Other Concept
3 hours

Object Cloning, Math and Wrapper Class, Recursion, strictfp keyword, Command Line Argument, Downcasting, instanceof operator, For-each loop, Varargs, Enum and Annotation, Autoboxing and Unboxing

Example of Programming