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Syllabus - .Net Technology

Introduction to web technologies
3 hours

What is Web site, Features of web sites, Usage of the web sites, Types of Web Sites (Static & Dynamic), Difference between static & dynamic web sites, What is Designing & Web Development

Example Programs
HTML Introduction
3 hours

What is HTML, What is Tag?, Types of Tags with Syntax, What is Attributes?, HTML Page Structure, Rules to be followed in HTML, Writing a Sample HTML page

Example Programs
HTML Basic Tags Part 1
3 hours

<body> , <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>, syntax & with example, <p> syntax & with example, <pre> syntax & with example, <b>,<i>,<u>,<strong>,<em>,<sub>,<sup>, <small>,<big>, © &tm; ® HTML Entities

Example Programs
HTML Tags (Tables, List, Formatting Elements and Attributes)
3 hours

<font> Syntax & with example, <hr> syntax & with example, List Tags: <ul> , <OL>, <DL> Syntax with example, <table> tag Syntax with example, How to create customized tables.

Example Programs
HTML Tags (Form Elements)
3 hours

<form> tag features and syntax, <input> tag and its various type attribute with example, Creating List and Drop down list controls using <select> tag, How to create multiline text entry controls using <textarea> tag

Example Programs
HTML Tags (Image, Link, Frame Model)
3 hours

<a> anchor tag syntax with examples on creating locale links, e-mail links, named links and external links, <img> tag Syntax with example, Creating frames with <iframe>, <frameset> and <frame> tag

Example Programs
CSS Introduction
3 hours

What is CSS? HTML Limitations, CSS Features, Types of CSS, Sample example, Color and Background Properties, Font Properties, Text Properties

Example Programs
CSS Properties (BoxModel, Borders, Margin, Padding)
3 hours

Border Properties, List Properties, Margin Properties, Padding Properties, Box Model

Example Programs
Class and ID Selectors
3 hours

Class and ID Selectors Introduction, About Class Selectors, ID

Example Programs
Pseudo Selectors
3 hours

Pseudo Classes, Pseudo elements

Example Programs
CSS Sheet Style Type
3 hours

Inline Style Sheets, Internal Style Sheets, External Style Sheets

Example Programs
ASP.NET Introduction
3 hours

What is Scripting, Client & Server Side Scripting, Scripting Languages, Introduction, What is ASP? What is ASP+? What is ASP.net? ASP.NET Features.

Example Programs
ASP.NET Application Creation
3 hours

Creating Web Site, What is Web Form? Standard Controls Introduction, Hyperlink, Button web Server Controls

Example Programs
Standard Controls
3 hours

Label, Literal, TextBox, Calendar

Example Programs
Standard Controls
3 hours

Dropdown List, Listbox, Checkbox List, RadioButtonList, Bulleted List

Example Programs
Standard Controls
3 hours

View and MultiView control, Adrotator Control, Image and ImageMap Control.

Example Programs
Standard Controls
3 hours

FileUpload control, Panel control, Placeholder control

Example Programs
Validation Controls
3 hours

Validating Form with Validation Controls of Asp.net, Using RequiredFieldvalidator control, Using CompareValidator Control Using RangeValidator Control, Using CustomValidator control, Create Server-side / Client-side functions for – CustomValidator Control

Example Programs
Web control
3 hours

Web user control, Web Custom Controls

Example Programs
Session Management
3 hours

About Cookies, Application object, Session Object

Example Programs
3 hours

ADO.net Introduction, .NET Data Provides, Sample ADO Programs

Example Programs
SQL Introduction
3 hours

What is Database? Databases available in the Market, Creating Database, Working on create tables, Inserting, alternating , Updating Tables, Select Commad, Where clause, sort the data, order by, having clause.

Example Programs
Data View Controls
3 hours

GridView Control, Details view and Data List controls, Form view and Reater control.

Example Programs
Data Controls
3 hours

Data Binding with List Controls I.e. Dropdownlist, Listbox, BulletedList, Checkboxlist, RadiobuttonList controls

Example Programs
Skins and Themes
3 hours

About Skins and Themes, Sample Application with Default and Named Skins.

Example Programs
Membership Management
3 hours

Web Site Administration Tool: Users and Roles Management, Login, Loginview, Loginstate, ChangePassword, CreateUser, password Recovery Controls.

Example Programs
Navigation Controls
3 hours

About Navigation controls, Menu control, Treeview Control, SiteMap Path Control

Example Programs
Site Map File
3 hours

About Web.sitemap file, Examples with web.sitemap file

Example Programs
Master Pages
3 hours

What is Master Pages? Create and Manage the Master Pages.

Example Programs
Web Services
3 hours

What is Web Services? Working of Web Services in ASP.Net

Example Programs
Gloabal.asax File
3 hours

What is Global.asax file? Working on Global.asax File

Example Programs
Web.config File
3 hours

What is Web.config File? Settings in Web.config File

Example Programs
AJAX Extension Controls
3 hours

What is AJAX? About ScriptManager Control, About Update Panel control, About Update Progress control.

Example Programs
AJAX Control ToolKit
3 hours

Introducing AJAX Control Tookit, Woking to AJAX Control Toolkit

Example Programs
Deploying Application
3 hours

What is Web Hosting? About FTP. How to Deploy ASP.Net application?

Example Programs
XML (extensible Markup Language)
3 hours

XML Introduction, XML Basic, Document Basics, XML features, Differences between HTML & XML, About XML documents, The XML declaration, The document type declaration, Processing Instructions

Example Programs