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Syllabus - C++ Programming Level-1 Beginners

Introduction to C++ Language
1 hours

History of C++, Where we use C++, C++ various compiler, Hello World! Program

Example of Programs
Object Oriented Programming
3 hours

Classes, Objects, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Inheritance

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
3 hours

Concept of OOP, Features of OOP, Introduction of ‘C++’, Structure of ‘C++’ program, Executing and Debugging a ‘C++’ Program, How C++ differs from C

Example Programs
‘C++’ Tokens and Type Casting
3 hours

Keywords and Identifiers, Operators, Constants, Variables, Data Types, Precedence of Operators, Scope and Lifetime of Variables

Example Programs
OOPs Concepts
3 hours

Overview of OOPs Principles, Introduction to classes & objects, Creation & destruction of objects, Data Members, Member Functions, this Pointer, Constructor &Destructor, Static class member, Friend class and functions, Namespace

Example Programs
Classes & Objects
3 hours

Classes & Object Specifier, Defining data members and member functions, Array of objects, Managing console I/O, ‘C++’ stream classes, Formatted and unformatted console I/O, Usage of manipulators

Example Programs
Function in ‘C++’
3 hours

Call by reference, Return by reference, Function overloading and default arguments, Inline function, Static class members, Friend functions, Virtual Function

Example Programs
Constructors and Destructor
3 hours

Concept of Constructor, Types of Constructors, Memory allocation (new and delete), Usage of destructor

Example Programs
Operator Overloading
3 hours

What is Polymorphism?, Overloading Unary and Binary operators, Overloading using friend function

Example Programs
3 hours

Introduction and benefits of Inheritance, Access Specifier, Types of inheritance, Virtual base classes and abstract base classes, Constructor and destructor in derived class

Example Programs
Working with files
3 hours

File operations, File pointer and their manipulation, File updation with random access

Example Programs
Exception Handling
3 hours

Introduction to Exception, Benefits of Exception handling, Pre-defined exceptions in C++Various Exception Handling classes, Implementing try and catch block, Use of throw keyword

Example Programs