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Syllabus - C Programming Level-1 Beginners

Fundamentals of C Language
3 hours

What is Programming, Why we use C, Where we use C now-a-days, Applications of C

Example of Programs
Overview of C Language
3 hours

History of C, First Program - Hello! World, Basic Structure of C Programming, Tokens, Keywords, Identifiers in C, Format Specifiers

Example of Programs
Data Types in C Language
3 hours

Built-in Data Types, int, float, double, char, signed/unsigned

Some Example of Programs
Introduction to Principles of programming:
3 hours

Introduction to Programming Languages, Types of software's, Operating Systems, Dos commands, Editor, Compiler, Interpreter, Loader and Linker. Machine Level Languages, Assembly Level Languages, High L

Example of Programming
Fundamentals in C Programming:
3 hours

History and Features of C, Basic Structure of C Programming, Simple C programs, Program execution phases, Number systems, Format specifiers, Identifiers, Character set, Constants, Backslash Character

Example of Programming
Operators and Expressions:
3 hours

Arithmetic Operators, Unary Operators, Relational and Logical Operators, The Conditional Operator, Library Functions, Bitwise Operators, The Increment and Decrement Operators, Bitwise Operator, Specia

Example of Programming
Data Types and Input/Output Operators:
3 hours

Built-in datatypes, user defined datatypes, Integer Datatypes, Floating-point Numbers, Converting Integers to Floating-point and vice-versa, Mixed-mode Expressions, The type cast Operator, The type

Example of Programming
Control Statements and Decision Making:
3 hours

The if statement, The if-else statement, else-if statement, Nesting of if statements, The conditional expression, The switch statement, The while loop, The do…while loop, The for loop, The nesting of

Example of Programming
Functions and its type:
3 hours

What is Function? Why we need function? Features of Function, Type of Functions Function Prototypes, Defining a function, Calling a function, Return statement, Nested Functions, Flow of function calli

Example of Programming
3 hours

One Dimensional Arrays, Two Dimensional Array, Multi-Dimensional Arrays, Passing Arrays to Functions

Example of Programming
Characters and Strings
3 hours

What is characters? What is String?, Difference between character and strings, reading and printing a character using library function, Reading and printing a string using library function, String han

Example of Programming
3 hours

Basics of Pointers, Pointers and One-dimensional Arrays, Pointer Arithmetic, Similarities between Pointers and One-dimensional Arrays, Null pointers, Pointers and Strings, Call by value and Call by re

Example of Programming
Structures and Unions:
3 hours

Basics of Structures, Arrays of Structures, Arrays within Structures, Structures within Structures, Passing Structure to a function, Structures using pointers, Unions and its features.

Example of Programming
Storage Classes:
3 hours

Storage Classes and Visibility, Scope and Lifetime of variables, Automatic or local variables, Static variables, External variables and Register variables.

Example of Programming
Dynamic Memory Allocation
3 hours

What is static and dynamic memory allocation? And difference between static and dynamic memory allocation, Allocating Memory with malloc, Allocating Memory with calloc, Freeing Memory, Reallocating Me

Example of Programming
The Preprocessor:
3 hours

File Inclusion, Macro Definition and Substitution, Macros with Arguments, Nesting of Macros, Conditional Compilation

Example of Programming
File Management:
3 hours

Defining and Opening a file, Writing into a file, Reading a file content, Closing Files, Input/output Operations on Files, Predefined Library Streams, Error Handling during I/O Operations, Random Acce

Example of Programming